Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers

International migrants continue to play a vital role in the global labour market, accounting for 4.7 per cent of the labour force in 2022, according to the latest report by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The ILOs Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers publication indicates that 167.7 million migrants were part of the labour force of their destination countries in 2022. Of these, 102.7 million were men and 64.9 million were women (rounded figures). This represents an increase of more 30 million since 2013, an increase that was mainly observed between 2013-2019.
The majority of migrants in the labour force were concentrated in high-income countries, which accounted for 68.4 per cent of the total (114.7 million people), followed by 17.4 per cent (29.2 million) in upper-middle-income countries.