"We can in fact change the world and make of it a better place." - Nelson Mandela
Caption: Tree planting ceremony to mark Nelson Mandela Day with H.E. Mr Prithvirajsing Roopun, President of the Republic of Mauritius in attendance along with other dignitries.
On behalf of the United Nations Resident Coordinator - Ms. Lisa Singh, I am honoured to join you here today to pay tribute to an extraordinary man and leader Nelson Mandela.
This celebration - graciously organized by Her Excellency the High Commissioner of the Republic of South Africa - is one of many occurring around the world today - as people come together to shine the light on the legacy of a true global citizen Nelson Mandela. A champion of the people. Today, we honour the values that inspired his life’s work. His deep commitment to justice, human rights and fundamental freedoms. Mandiba had a profound belief in the equality and dignity of every woman and man. And was a tireless advocate for racial unity and peace.
Allow me to share with you the message of the UN Secretary-General for the occasion. I quote:
Nelson Mandela was a colossus of courage and conviction.
A leader of immense achievement and extraordinary humanity.
A giant of our times, whose legacy we best honour through action:
Action to expel the poison of racism, discrimination and hate;
Action to extinguish the legacies of colonialism;
And action to promote equality, human rights and above all, justice.
Today, poverty, hunger and inequality are on the rise.
Countries are drowning in debt.
The climate crisis is destroying the lives of those who have done the least to cause it.
And our unfair and outdated international financial system is not fulfilling its function as a global safety net.
We have it in our power to solve each of these problems.
So, as we commemorate Nelson Mandela’s life and legacy, let us be animated by his spirit of humanity, dignity and justice.
Let us stand with women and girls, young people and change makers everywhere.
And let us take action to build a better world.
Thank you.
The Secretary-General’s message reminds us that everyone has a role to play in addressing global challenges. Solutions must be found to seemingly insurmountable issues like racism, discrimination, poverty, inequalities, and the climate crisis if we embrace our common humanity and work together. This commitment to partnership lies at the heart of all United Nations actions. As we strive to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development let us reject hatred and discrimination in all forms and work in partnership to stand up for humanity and speak out against hate.
Let us recall the essential humanism that guided Nelson Mandela during his lifetime.
Thank you for your kind attention. Happy Nelson Mandela Day.
**Speech delivered on behalf of the UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Lisa Singh, by Amanda Serumaga, UNDP Resident Representative and UN Resident Coordinator a.i.