The Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Mauritius

It was undertaken as part of the efforts to respond to the UN Secretary General’s call on the UN system to support countries in responding to the pandemic. The report utilizes a combination of household survey data collected by UNDP during the aftermath of the lockdown, with historical data on macro-economic and sectoral aggregates, and
key informant interviews with sector experts. The novelty of this report, in part, pertains to the effort to capture household behaviour and their assessment of the efficacy of immediate recovery support, during and after lockdown, and assessing the impacts on the poorest of the poor - a segment of the population often not captured in national surveys. The assessment captures the short-term, medium-term and long-term impacts of the pandemic at macro,
sectoral and household levels.
This report was developed with the technical leadership and financial support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as part of the advocacy efforts of the wider United Nations System led by the Resident Coordinator to support the socio-economic response and recovery efforts to the Covid-19 pandemic. UNDP wishes to acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Japan that facilitated the entire process.