Government of the Republic of Mauritius and the United Nations Strategic Partnership Framework 2019-2023

This Strategic Partnership Framework (SPF) 2019-2023, is an agreement on selected outcomes that will constitute development cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Mauritius and the United Nations. It is fully aligned to Mauritius’ National Vision, the three-year Strategic Plan, related sustainable development goals, internationally and regionally agreed commitments and obligations, including human rights treaties, the Samoa Pathway and the Africa Agenda 2063.
The SPF 2019-2023 is a living document designed to accommodate ideas emerging from its implementation and has been developed through a consultative and participatory process. It builds on the successes of past cooperation between the Republic of Mauritius with individual UN agencies and consolidates the work of the UN system into a single coherent framework in line with the UN reform agenda, which promotes stronger accountability and coordination to achieve the SDGs.